Whatever value is attacked, it returns to its previous value once the magical effect wears off. It may be used to make a creature tired by attacking its fatigue or it can be used to drain a creature's health or magicka reserves. This may be used to attack a skill, such as ability with a sword or proficiency in acrobatics, or an attribute, such as a creature's luck or agility.
Value-draining magic attacks a creature's body by temporarily reducing one of its fundamental statistics.These may be fired directly at targets, but some applications have utilized these forces to be set off by proximity runes, or used a form of protective cloak, or even a damaging wall of magickal energy to deter opponents. Elemental damage uses fire, frost, lightning or (rarely) poison to inflict damage directly.Mastery of Destruction magic may bring a certain amount of danger.ĭestruction magic boils down to five basic types: elemental damage, value-draining, value-damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration. It is concerned with dealing damage to all forms of matter, both living and non-living, and with making matter more vulnerable to such damage. The school of Destruction is one of the six schools of magic.